How Do You Keep Your Sanity When Hosting Thanksgiving (or Any Other Holiday)?
Watch for tips on how you can "downgrade the crazy" on the big day.
Worried About Staying On Track With Your Health Goals During the Holidays?
Go Long has a plan for that…
The Silent Threat: Why Men Must Also Focus on Preventing Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is on the rise for men. Let's talk about why
Conquering the Blank Page: What Happened When the Non-Writer Started To Write?
All of these learnings can be applied to starting something new such as investing in yourself.
Take Charge of Your Well-Being With A Reliable Online Wellness Program
Yes, you can find an online program that will also give you feedback on your form.
Wait... Is Ice Cream For Lunch Bad?
Read on for how spending time with some college students helped change my mindset.
How Do You Balance the Unpredictable When Working Towards a Goal?
Taking the "small" wins can help you build confidence to make the changes you want to make.
Why Do Most New Year's Resolutions Fail?
Read on for why you should make changes NOW and not wait until January.
How Saying "F#@& It!" Every So Often Allows You to Create Your Own BFD Moments
Read on about the 1st time I intentionally decided to create space for something new when I didn't think it was possible.
Unmasking the Truth: The Importance of You Researching Supplements
Learn why it's important to do your own research when evaluating supplements.
What Does Beauty Mean to You?
Listen to what beauty means to me in the latest edition of “Beauty Hunter”
Reclaim Your Health: Learn why visceral fat matters in quality of life
Unsure how to understand your risk? You’re not alone.
You're Doing Better Than You Think! It Is Time to Invest in Yourself!
Let's reframe the constant stress and guilt permeating society into something positive.
Looking For Tips to Improve Your Sleep?? Start With Your Wind Down Routine.
Learn about some of the tactics I use for getting a good night's rest.
Do You Only Run When Chased? Learn How Aerobic Fitness Impacts Longevity.
Part 2 in a 2-part series where I decided to run a full scan on my body to understand how I can have a high quality of life for as long as possible.
Empower Yourself: Learn How to Stay One Step Ahead of Osteoporosis
Part 1 in a 2-part series where I decided to run a full scan on my body to understand how I can have a high quality of life for as long as possible
Mom Guilt and Making One Change At a Time
You're doing a better job than you think you are.
Sad About Summer? How About Getting Excited for Off Season Ski Training?
Snow season is just around the corner, baby! Bring it!
What September 11th Means To Me
Yes, I was there and saw the second plane hit the World Trade Center.
How Do YOU Celebrate YOU, Whether on Your birthday or On An Ongoing Basis?
Thoughts on me hitting another mile marker.